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Скачать книгу Rob Miles «C# From Java»
05.05.2014, 20:16

Rob Miles C# From Java

  • Автор: Rob Miles
  • Издательство: Department of Computer Science
  • Год: 2008
  • Язык: EN
  • Страниц: 24
  • Формат: pdf
  • Размер: 2 МБ
Описание книги C# From Java:
These notes should help you convert a program from Java to C#. I assume that the reader is an experienced Java programmer. The notes also document decisions which I have made which may or may not be sensible. I’ve written them in FAQ form as that seems to be the most useful way to present the information. I hope that those that know less than me will find them useful. I hope that those who know more than me won’t find too many things wrong…

Категория: 2008 год | Добавил: Dren
Просмотров: 223 | Загрузок: 0 | Рейтинг: 0.0/0
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